
About the Beauty Bomb Membership

Beauty Bomb Members enjoy an exceptional value, along with privileges and benefits that are exclusive for Beauty Bomb members. Our Membership is designed to reward our most loyal clients with incentives and special offers that only Beauty Bomb Members can receive. Becoming part of the Beauty Bomb Member program, you will be able to enjoy the full range of Beauty Bomb services when you need it, at an affordable price. Join the Beauty Bomb community and save!
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* First 100 receive special introductory rates for first year.

**Restore members may bank their monthly membership fees ($99) for use at a later date. Fees may be applied toward the costs associated with injectable and filler services only (e.g., Botox, Sculptra, Juvederm, Restylane, PRP injections, etc).

Renew members do not bank their monthly membership fees, but instead you bank a facial for each month.

With each membership you get 25% off Spa Facials, 20% off Retail products. 10% off Fillers. $4 off Neurotoxins. There is a minimum 6 month commitment when joining either of the Beauty Bomb Memberships, but after that it's month to month.